
Moropo October Product Round-up

Consolidate. Reflect. Plan. We've had an intentionally small month at Moropo. Most of our time has been spent on customer interviews—data we've been using to refine the product roadmap and build plans for 2024.

That said, we have pushed some noticeable improvements to Moropo. Read on to get the highlights

🎨 Improved Flutter Support

Moropo has been popular with Flutter developers since day 1. We've recently extended our support for this critical framework. This includes expanding our Flutter documentation and hierarchy selection logic.

💻 Quicker Hierarchy Selection

When you choose a step requiring a selector (such as tapOn), Moropo will automatically move into hierarchy selection mode so you can quickly select an element.

⭐️ Sim Boot Time Reduced to 30s

Speed has always been a focus for Moropo, and we're continuing to optimise our load times across the platform. We can now load a new emulator in around 30 seconds and show a loading screen to view progress.

💅 Test Editor UX Improvements

There are lots of minor tweaks and user experience changes across the Test Editor. Moropo is now the quickest way to build open-source mobile tests on the market. You can play in the live sandbox here.

Happy testing folks.

Tom Riglar
Oct 23, 2023

Build reliable UI tests in minutes

Prevent bugs forever.