
Moropo September Product Round-up

It is another big month for Moropo as we consolidate our post-launch feedback and improve usability across several core features. Our big focus this month has been on Moropo's flagship feature: Test Creator. It's now quicker and easier than ever to build UI tests for Android and iOS. All without ever leaving your web browser. Let's dive in!

🎨 New Branding

Moropo has a new, fresher and cleaner look. With fewer colours and sharper lines, the goal of the rebrand was to give more space for our customer apps. Moropo is a tool, and it's essential that we take a back seat and leave our users front and centre.
The new look is already rolled out across our marketing channels, with product rapidly catching up as we tweak, refine and optimise every component in the Moropo ecosystem.

The new Moropo logo

💻 Live Demo

Want to try Test Creator without signing up for an account? Moropo now offers a live demo playground with the Wikipedia app so you can test our flagship feature quickly and easily.

Try the live demo now.

Play around with the live demo.

⭐️ Improved Steps Control and Replay

We've refined and extended the test creator steps controls, allowing for single-line replay, better rendering of values and a few other UX tweaks and performance improvements.

Play a single step, one of the many improvements to arrive in Test Creator.

💅 Improved Hierarchy Selector

When you use the hierarchy selector in Moropo, it will first attempt to use an element ID with fallbacks for text and then coordinates-based selectors. The new tooltip lets you see what Moropo sees, giving you feedback on what selectors are available. This is very useful for finding where to add more IDs to your app.

Now use the hierarchy tooltip to see exactly which selectors are available.

❌ Interactive Error Reporting

Test Creator will now dynamically report test execution and APK/APP load errors directly in the UI. This means it's much quicker to work out what's happening as no async test run needs to be scheduled.

🙂 Better Onboarding

Previously, new users were getting a little lost during their first few moments in Moropo. We've now optimised the new user flow, so it's much clearer what each next step is. This is supported by some new onboarding checklists built into the Intercom chat widget. Expect more improvements here as we shape Moropo to be the most accessible mobile testing tool on the market.

⬆️ GitHub File Upload

What to provide a new app build file as part of a GitHub-triggered test run? Now you can with our improved GitHub Action. Simply pass a reference to the build file as parameters and we'll take care of the rest.

It's simple to automatically upload a build file.

📝 Slack Notifications in Private Channels

Users of our Slack integration can now configure Moropo to post into private channels in their Slack Workspace.

Happy testing - and don't hesitate to book a demo if you'd like to dive deeper into any of Moropo's features.

Tom Riglar
Sep 22, 2023

Build reliable UI tests in minutes

Prevent bugs forever.